Apostolic International Ministries - AIM GLOBAL

Apostolic International Ministries

      the sky's the limit!

       BE A PART OF THE 7000


The word "AIM", is an acronym for "Apostolic International Ministries" in English

The word is "AID" for "Apostolische Internationale Dienste", in German.

One can also understand this word as: "... to aid the aim, goal, or purpose ... " 

AIM Church Meetings 

AIM is a "Free Church" that gathers in Aschersleben & the Mansfeld Castle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 

Drop by & let's get to know each other! We'd love to meet you!

All Are Welcome! 

Aschersleben, oldest town in Saxony-Anhalt

Castle, (Schloss) in Mansfeld Land


Sundays at 10 am &/or 3 pm. Fridays at 6 pm 


The last Sunday of the month:
*Gatekeepers Alliance Meeting at 3 pm (Be A Part of the 7000   
1 Kings 19:18; Ezekiel 37 & 47) 

*God's Praying Army meets at 4 pm


Our services are always in both the German and English languages

(contact us for more details)



This Ministry Embraces Jesus' Ministry 

JESUS is the Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor/Shepherd, and the Teacher, in His Church, the Ecclesia. 

God is looking for Sons who would worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24), and be led by His Spirit (Romans 8:14), to do on earth what they see the Father do in heaven (John 5), and to speak what they discern Him speaking (John 10)! God is looking for His people to have intimate relationships with Him. This is how Jesus works with His people and through them. Jesus chooses some in His Church, delegates authority to them, and imparts specific gifts from Himself to them, to function as He does. We call these gifts the "fivefold" ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:7-16). The gifts proceed from the intimate relationship that His chosen ones have with Him. They are not independent of intimacy with God, but an overflow from Him, like a channel, through to others. This flow is constantly refreshed by the intimate relationship of the receiver of the gift to function and never stops. It's how Jesus continues to do His work from heaven, on earth, as He had done before He died, rose from the dead and returned to heaven. Through intimacy with Him, through the Holy Spirit, we would know His heart and mind on what needs to be done. 

Jesus is the Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor/Shepherd, and the Teacher, not His fivefold ministers. This intimate partnership His chosen ones have with Him, causes them to function as He did on earth and bring them to grow into Him, in full maturity, as He had done with His disciples and people, while He was on the earth. 

Therefore, we honor this anointing because it comes from Jesus and belongs to Him, not to the carrier. All five ministry gifts are equal in value, but different in function and responsibility. The true apostle and prophet gifts are a function, not a self-given title, and are given to some, not because they are elite believers. These gifts are given by Jesus to some who are appointed by God, as He wills. They're not a self-appointment, taken by human self-will.

True apostles and prophets, are not isolated, popularity and fame-seeking gifts, a hierarchy, or dictatorship for control of the evangelist, the pastor, and the teacher, or anyone else, as some misunderstand them to be. They have been graced with a call and anointing that unfolds and brings insight of God's plans, with wisdom and strategy to raise and release the Church to advance with God's Kingdom will, swifter and stronger than ever! These two gifts are often viewed suspiciously and are often aborted by others because what they carry seems too good to be true. They have not suddenly appeared on the scene either, in a contemporary, modern age, as a new teaching to dominate and overthrow others before them. They always existed, but were overlooked and overthrown for various reasons.

True prophets (they have the revelation to build) and true apostles (they have the wisdom to build and make things happen) are relational gifts, as Jesus is, seeking to raise sons, as they would align with the pastor, teacher, and evangelist, the Church of Jesus, to become a love-motivated, truth-based, united whole unit, as Jesus intended it to be, building into each other, as a God Team. But Jesus first brings and trains a person under a leader, who has been walking with Him for several years, to learn in humility, to submit to that leader and be accountable. Just as a disciple has a teacher, a son, must have a father and learn, so to one day become a father too, and also raise their own spiritual sons. Anyone can make a baby, but it takes wisdom, to become a father and raise sons, who would also one day become a father to raise sons (2 Timothy 2:2). First, ask God to showyour father and align yourself to this spiritual parent, be committed and learn this father. It's not about gender, it's about the fathering spirit this parent carries. Every son should have a father and every father should have sons. To whom much is given, much is required!  

Sandra Moonsamy Malina


Sandra Moonsamy-Malina is the founder, spiritual leader, & visionary of Apostolic International Ministries, AIM GLOBAL. God's calling, anointing & prophetic confirmation, on His Servant, as a sent one & a prophetic seer, which she is presently functioning in, very actively. 


Born in South Africa, during the Apartheid years, she is known, as Sandra Moonsamy. The Lord Jesus found her broken life in 1985, picked her up, and gave her hope again. He immediately began her training Journey with the Holy Spirit, under precious, anointed men and women of God in her country, who helped further activate her gifts and call from the Lord. 

In May 1992, two years after completing her theological studies, the Holy Spirit publicly affirmed with prophecy, prayer & the laying on of hands, (as in Acts 13), and His commissioning of Sandra to the nations, from the local church. Three months later, on her first assignment to Mauritius, she stayed for six months. Thereafter another seven journeys to the same place, for three to six months on each journey for ten years. 

Based in one local church on the island, she also ministered in several local churches, preaching God's Word, reaching lost souls, equipping believers & training leaders, teaching with revelation knowledge, and training with impartations, shifting the paradigm of believers to finding their identity and activating their authority as believers, growing into Jesus inspiritual maturity, being strengthened to function in individual callings, as they embraced the cooperate building of the apostolic and prophetic gifts, being reformed and restored by it. 

A new season began after marriage in 2004, with added empowerment from her husband, Stan Malina, they both continue to serve the Lord individually & corporately, also with the media ministry.

Sandra Moonsamy and Stan Malina met very briefly on her last journey to Mauritius and his preaching tour to the churches on the island. Two years later, they were suddenly guided together by the Holy Spirit. An awesome, very prophetic, (romantic too!) relationship began to form. It was not long after that the couple were married in South Africa. The ceremony was officiated by Sandra's pastor, apostle, Dr. Robert Munien, at Grace Outreach International. 

Sandra moved to Western Germany with Stan in August 2004 and in February 2005, they planted the AIM church, a training and sending center, where they both serve the Lord in various capacities. In 2020, the couple was led to move to Eastern Germany, and in August 2021, they began their second church plant.   

Stan was born in Schlesien, Central Europe, within modern-day Poland and was raised in a Lutheran family. He was born again in a revival movement. Later he became a Baptist and was ordained as a pastor and evangelist. He's been serving the Lord since he was very young, for over 50 years, traveling to several countries on various projects from the Lord, and had exciting experiences with supernatural interventions, and amazing knowledge on several subjects, which one would greatly benefit from, with personal contact.

Sandra, was born in South Africa whose parents were converts from Hinduism. She was born again in 1985, in an evangelistic meeting held in a tent, hosted by a Pentecostal church, where the Holy Spirit had His place as Leader. She was immediately exposted to apostolic & prophetic teachings, which she consumed ravenously. Presently, with over 32 years of experience as a sent one to the nations, she continues by God's grace, to function in the equipping gifts, to meet spiritual needs as required, making disciples, training leaders and fulfilling God's assignment for the nations. 

Sandra and Stan were brought together by the Holy Spirit, for such a time as this. They carry some very similar core beliefs, like love and loyalty, for the Lord and His word, for singing and worship, for the Lord's people, lost souls and so much more, to neutraize any differences. Mutual love, honor, respect and acceptance, to serve each other as a couple, in humility as a God-Team, as a part of the corporate, united Body of Christ, is a shift they've made by God's grace - as all couples in ministry should - and intend to constantly work toward this, in maintaining their focus on Jesus, and keeping their message, "Christ & Him crucified!"

" ... Your Kingdom come. Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Amen! 

                Check out some of Sandra's and Stan's books on Amazon

Stan Malina


What Are Some People Saying About This Ministry?

"I have known Sandra Moonsamy Malina for the past

30+ years, from the time she taught Sunday school classes

in our neighbourhood and doing missionary work in Mauritius.

I have known her to be a person of integrity who is devoted

to the things of God. She is courageous, determined and bold,

as a woman of prayer given to the work of God.

She has been passionate in her commitment to

teaching others the principles of the Kingdom of GOD."





".. We have known Sandra for a number of
years. We knew her quite well for approximately one year

when she lived in Ireland and have kept in communication

with her since she returned to Germany.
We always found Sandra to be kind and courteous with

a servant heart while also being full of God’s word

utilizing the wisdom and faith God has given her..."

Sean Rath & Angie Rath



"... Pastor Stanislaw Malina had been ministering in

the Wisla Baptist church from 1982 to 1989. Additionally,

he was also the national evangelist.

We appreciate his love, his care for people and

his commitment in building God's Kingdom. He has been

a great asset to our church and country Poland..."

Pastor Waldemar Bronowicki


"... Thank you and God so much for sending you

to Mauritius to encourage us...."

Pastor Edward



"In the year of 2012, I was seeking for a church that

spoke and taught in English, as well. It was to prepare me

for my move to the United States.

I got to meet the AIM church in Flensburg, and from

the first service on, I felt connected to Stan and

Sandra (Pastors).

They stood by me in this time of transition, they

encouraged me, strengthened me, taught me. In

their personal life they even were there for me,

spending time and effort in hospitality.

They were a living example of a church who is there

for their members.

I appreciate Stan and Sandra very much! May the Lord

further bless them abundantly for their ministry

to God's people, as Jesus' living example."




* RRAP - Reformation & Restoration of the Apostolic & Prophetic

* DERBE - First Principles of Faith & More

    Contact us for details


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